Monday, April 25, 2011
Thank you Universe. I repaired my car and saved up money to go visit my family and go to my friends shower, and an hour before our destinatiion-H hits an elk. Now we dont have a car. We had to purchase a ticket home. And I will be walking everywhere. I better lose some weight from this!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I never thought I'd say this but I am addicted Glee. I am watching season 1 and 2 simultaneously.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Rat Race
I am so sick of the thick grueling race we are all running to try and get ahead. Every year for the past 3 years H has paid hundreds of dollars to take tests, and get scores, and grades, and recommendations sent to schools to apply for a grad program. This year he was put as alternate at three schools that messed up his application-they all said the same thing-he would have gotten in had they realized their error. Then the one school he finally got into estimated 16,000 dollars for a year are turning around and saying that we have to pay 24,000 for the year. ?@#! Seriously, you don't just drop a bomb like that once we accept the offer. It's actually going to be cheaper to go to a private university. The kind that are 'for profit'. What has the world come to? Everyone wants a bigger slice, and a bigger slice. Everything is so competitive, so costly, and for what...a job that maybe might pay 20,000 more. If you are lucky enough to get a job. AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Guilty Pleasures

We all have them. Those things we love to do, eat, watch, etc when no one is looking. Perhaps we are embarrased by them, perhaps others we know don't like them, or maybe we just enjoy the indulgence because 'we're not supposed to'. Anyhow here is my list of guilty pleasures that get me through life because I enjoy them...too much.
1)This blog. There is something to be said about keeping harmless secrets. I have to erase my history every time I come here least someone I know figures me out...
2)chocolate:cliche-yes. Ruin my diet-sometimes. sinful, indulgent, ecstasy, almost orgasmic-hell yes.
3)wearing things that bother my loved ones. Fashion is so based on perception, taste, trend, and shallowness that sometimes its fun to see someone get their panties in a wrinkle because you wore something they thought was ugly. For example, H thinks anything pink or frilly should be burned-so sometimes I make a point to where it-just to say screw you-I look pretty in pink!
4)shopping-I love looking at beautiful things. What women doesn't and although I know its all unimportant-its still fun to see yourself in something, feel the texture of beautiful cloth, spend a little, walk around the shops, and make a statement. Its how women have exposed their feelings for hundreds of years,
5)pedicures-I'd pay for one every week. I hate dealing with my feet. I'd much rather pay someone else to make them pretty.
6)popular fiction-growing up all i read was literature, literature, and more literature-It was a necessity and a luxury-but then as an adult I started picking things up like sophie kinsella's shopaholic, hunger games, the Host. Silly, entertaining, and distracting. Plus its fun to know what all the talk is about. But of course Jane Austen and Shakespeare still rule my world- this popular stuff is a happy little jaunt.
7)ebay-oh you devil
8)getting my hair styled-I have such unruly hair. I like letting someone else do it.
9)Mandy Moore's latest album-cheesy-but the words get to me.
10)Fish tacos- We are vegetarian at home-so i sneak my fish when H isnt around
11)mochas-I don't need the sugar, caffeine, or milk-But oh how I love it-with a huge dollop of whip cream and cinnamon sprinkles.
12)naps-I never felt guilty about this one until I got married and H thought it was lazy. And now that I have a daughter...well its really hard to squeeze one in.
13)Archer-watch an episode and you'll see what I mean.
now whats yours....
The 4 hour Body
So lately I've been reading alot. Yay! My most recent conquest is the 4 hour body. Its an interesting diet/lifestyle change to say the least. I don't know how many people could live off beans, veggies, and meat 6 days a week. But he says two things that really got me...
"I'm a diet coke whore"
"some women eat peanut butter like a heroin addict"
I plead guilty to both.
"I'm a diet coke whore"
"some women eat peanut butter like a heroin addict"
I plead guilty to both.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
confession #6-closet fashionista

Yes. I love fashion. I love cute, beautiful, feminine, charming things. But I also hate it. It costs too much money, and time, and doesn't help humanity. I know. I'm a total hypocrite. But now that we've established that. Lets talk about the things I do like to wear. Recently, I have been into shoes. Probably because its spring, and I need some spring shoes. Also, I am in the process of shedding baby weight and still dont feel thin enough to go shopping for new clothes. Nor do I need any clothes. So I checked out a few websites that let you take a "shoe style quiz" to find your style.
I was very disappointed! Almost none of the shoes were my style. So I decided to find my own.
These are what caught my eye:
and these
And the ones listed above. I want florals-neutrals, light pinks. open toes, espardilles, casual and pretty. I like flats and wedges. none of these ridiculous platforms, and spike heels. I am going on spring picnics people. So take that shoedazzle! I can pick out my own shoes.
Shabby Apple Amalfi Coast Swimsuit Giveaway
Shabby Apple Amalfi Coast Swimsuit Giveaway
I am coveting this entire line. These are the reason I continue on my weightloss journey
I am coveting this entire line. These are the reason I continue on my weightloss journey
Dear J;
Dear J,
I love you dearly. You are my family. But I must inform you, that you have hurt me. I know I act like it wasn't a big deal that you told me to break up. But I felt betrayed. Like all you can see in people is church. Are they a church-going person or not? How can you believe in the concepts of love and charity when you don't even live them yourself? You haven't forgiven D. You haven't forgiven H. You always tell me to consider your feelings, to think how you must feel. But just once I'd like you to do that...for anybody. The only grief you ever think about is your own. That's why it haunts you, relentlessly.
sincerely, Coraline.
I love you dearly. You are my family. But I must inform you, that you have hurt me. I know I act like it wasn't a big deal that you told me to break up. But I felt betrayed. Like all you can see in people is church. Are they a church-going person or not? How can you believe in the concepts of love and charity when you don't even live them yourself? You haven't forgiven D. You haven't forgiven H. You always tell me to consider your feelings, to think how you must feel. But just once I'd like you to do that...for anybody. The only grief you ever think about is your own. That's why it haunts you, relentlessly.
sincerely, Coraline.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Confession #5
I hate that I cant really enjoy my religion when H is around. He thinks that he lives on a higher plain than that of religion. But it brings me peace and comfort. I feel like I know who I am, and who the Savior is through it. It really hurts that I cant share that with them. And I tired of feeling looked down upon because of my choice in religious beliefs.
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